2024  12

Why I Like Ocaml

Jul 21 · 10 min · 2011 words

Designing a Platform for a Startup

Jul 6 · 11 min · 2197 words

From Computer to Production With Nix

May 22 · 14 min · 2884 words

Bye Opam, Hello Nix

May 13 · 9 min · 1763 words

Announcing DBCaml, Silo, Serde Postgres and a new driver for postgres

May 3 · 6 min · 1127 words

Running schema/database migrations using Geni

Apr 17 · 4 min · 840 words

My Love/Hate Letter to Copilot

Apr 7 · 6 min · 1275 words

Introducing DBCaml, Database toolkit for OCaml

Feb 20 · 7 min · 1356 words

Building a Connnection Pool for DBCaml on top of riot

Feb 19 · 8 min · 1680 words

OCaml: Introduction

Feb 12 · 11 min · 2222 words

Concepts of Functional Programming

Jan 16 · 11 min · 2331 words

Rust: Pointers

Jan 10 · 10 min · 1925 words

2023  18

Geni, A database migration CLI tool

Dec 28 · 4 min · 728 words

Rust: Multithreading

Dec 25 · 13 min · 2718 words

Rust: Traits

Dec 16 · 9 min · 1718 words

Rust: Memory Management

Nov 27 · 11 min · 2225 words

Running Migrations To Google Cloud SQL Database From Github Actions

Oct 16 · 7 min · 1440 words

Goroutines: The Espresso Shots of Programming

Oct 3 · 10 min · 1924 words

The internet cable that birthed the command movement

Sep 20 · 6 min · 1101 words

Go vs Rust vs Bun vs Node, Simple Http Benchmark V2

Sep 18 · 7 min · 1307 words

Go vs Rust vs Bun vs Node, Simple Http Benchmark

Sep 12 · 9 min · 1745 words

Using Github Actions with Private Repositories in the Same Organization

Sep 10 · 3 min · 561 words

Building a data warehouse

Aug 22 · 6 min · 1232 words

Passkeys - The password killer

Jul 21 · 5 min · 932 words

Emulating Aws Services Locally With Localstack Sqs and Sns

Jun 1 · 5 min · 926 words

Initial Commit: Zig Build System

May 15 · 10 min · 2074 words

Initial Commit: Zig

May 5 · 10 min · 1987 words

Rust: Procedural Macros

Apr 26 · 9 min · 1776 words

Rust: Declarative macros

Feb 11 · 11 min · 2141 words

Hello Rust

Feb 1 · 12 min · 2494 words

2022  3

Elixir: Introduction

Nov 6 · 14 min · 2796 words

Edgar Image - self-hosted image transformation system

Aug 21 · 3 min · 436 words

My interview at Klarna

Jun 21 · 9 min · 1850 words

2020  1

Sitemap with NextJS after 9.4 update.

May 11 · 5 min · 931 words

2018  1

Docker(Docker-compose) + Wordpress/Bedrock.

Sep 7 · 7 min · 1445 words