From Computer to Production With Nix

A while ago, I wrote “Bye Opam, Hello Nix” where the topic of that post was that I replaced Opam with Nix as it works much better. This post is about taking this a bit further, discussing how I use Nix for local development, testing, and building Docker images. The core concept of Nix is “reproducible builds,” which means that “it works on my machine” is actually true. The idea of Nix is that you should be able to make an exact copy of something and send it to someone else’s computer, and they should get the same environment....

May 22 · 14 min · 2884 words

Bye Opam, Hello Nix

I’ve been writing OCaml since November 2023 and I enjoy the language; it’s fun to write and has some features I really appreciate. However, you may have noticed I only mentioned the “language” in the first sentence. That’s because I have issues with Opam, the package manager for OCaml. It has been a pain in my development workflow and I want to eliminate it. Not long ago, I was browsing Twitch and saw some content on Nix hosted by BlackGlasses (altf4stream), Metameeee and dmmulroy....

May 13 · 9 min · 1763 words