Rust: Pointers

Let’s dive into Rust pointers, a concept that all developers work with in Rust. In this post, we’ll give you an overview of pointers and then focus on smart pointers. Pointers in Rust can be a bit confusing for new developers, but don’t worry! Our goal with this post is to help you gain a better understanding of them. If you’re not familiar with the terms “stack” and “heap,” do I recommend checking out this article before continuing with this post....

Jan 10 · 10 min · 1925 words

Rust: Multithreading

Time to dive into multi-threading in Rust, a topic that many developers work with and something that sets Rust apart by enforcing rules to ensure memory safety in your code. A common use case for multi-threaded Rust is building web servers, where each thread can handle different requests. However, multi-threaded programming can present a few challenges. Rust aims to tackle these challenges by offering compile-time alerts. Some of these challenges include race conditions and deadlocks....

Dec 25 · 13 min · 2718 words

Rust: Traits

It has been a while since Rust introduced traits, which are similar to interfaces in most other languages (although they do have some differences). Personally, I really enjoy working with traits because they provide great flexibility within a statically typed language. However, they can be a bit confusing to grasp at first. The goal of this post is to help you gain a better understanding of traits. The case we will use in this post is a real use-case, as I am currently working on a SQL migration tool....

Dec 16 · 9 min · 1718 words

Rust: Memory Management

Rust is an amazing low-level language that empowers users to work directly with memory. It provides developers with both thread-safety and memory safety, which are fantastic features. This post is all about working with memory in Rust and covers interesting topics such as the stack, heap, and the .clone() method. Rust keeps its promise of ensuring memory safety to developers through its ownership system. Unlike other systems languages that rely on garbage collection or require manual memory management, Rust intelligently manages memory through a system of ownership rules that the program must follow in order to compile....

Nov 27 · 11 min · 2225 words

Go vs Rust vs Bun vs Node, Simple Http Benchmark V2

A while ago, I published an article titled "Go vs Rust vs Bun vs Node, Simple Http Benchmark" and I have been thrilled with the response and the valuable feedback I received. I truly appreciate all the input. Based on the feedback, I understand that there is room for improvement in this test. Here are some of the key points that were highlighted: It would be really helpful to enhance the presentation of the results by incorporating graphs or other visual aids....

Sep 18 · 7 min · 1307 words